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Living In Grace

A Christ inspired work dealing with American Christian Culture in the New Century.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Word Wednesday: Sacrifice

Then they came to the place of which God had told him; and Abraham built the altar there and arranged the wood, and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.  Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.
Genesis 22:9-10

We as men are called upon to sacrifice in this life to varying degrees in differing circumstances.  Some give their lives for country, community, or a cause but for the most part we will never reach that level of self-sacrifice.  So what should our daily lives look like?

"  Daddy, come read my Bible Reader with me, " I heard my seven year old, Weston, say.  Usually that is a warm welcome to spend time with my son and the Lord in His Word, but that day I was comfortably piled up in my chair trying to recover from a cold.  I wanted nothing more than to sit there and do nothing, but his eager and expectant little face was beckoning me to read.  Against my bodies protests I got up and read with Weston, though I must admit it was not a huge sacrifice since it was something enjoyable and worthwhile.  If I routinely refused to give of myself, however, I would be sacrificing my family upon the altar of selfish convenience.

 What have you given up? What have you not given up?
  1. That extra rung on the career ladder that may have cost time with the family.
  2. Those extra man-toys many of us desire
  3. Our own time apart from everything
  4. That favorite television show or sports program
I am not advocating an unbalanced life where all we ever do is give ( which is not likely anyway ) but a lifestyle of self-sacrifice that includes loving others as ourselves especially in our homes.  Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son at God's command, but to often we are unwilling to sacrifice anything for anyone.

Father, help us to be living sacrifices to you and for your glory and to love those around us sacrificially.  Help us to realize the impact we as husbands and fathers have on the lives of those around us.  We know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Amen.

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Anonymous Carla@3-foldcord.com said...

Amen! Father help me to be a living sacrifice. Sometimes it can be so hard to be obedient and our flesh pulls us to be selfish. I think this post was geared at men, but I'm gonna comment anyway! :0)

Lately we've been called to disciple (or at least try to!) a young girl who is lost and very confused. This has  meant sacrificing time and sharing our lives. I didn't realize what a selfish person I was until this! My flesh doesn't want to share my time or my home but I know that is what I am called to, I'm leaning on God's love and wisdom and loving beyond my emotions. I am sure God will bring about good in everything and I know that He is disciplining me and this will all lead to growth but at times it is so frustrating and I want to  throw in the towel! But I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Thanks for the encouragement today!

June 1, 2011 at 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Luther@Living In Grace said...

yes Carla most Wednesdays are geared towards men but feel free to comment anyway....after all you are married to one of us. 

I never realized how self-centered I was until I was married and had children, but afterwards giving and sacrificing does come easier...but not always easy if that makes any sense.  It is easy to want to give up and let the frustrations of this life get to us, but we cannot forget that God is in control and He does have a plan.

Keep sowing seeds and your efforts will bear fruit.

June 1, 2011 at 11:14 PM  

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