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Living In Grace

A Christ inspired work dealing with American Christian Culture in the New Century.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fan Favorite Friday:6/3/2011

 Favorite Fridays

The new edition of Fan Favorite Fridays is here so enjoy the posts that I have found and add those you have discovered this week.  Send in some links by using the widget at the bottom of the post that you would like to share from your favorite blogs.  All links will not be shared as they will be reviewed for content and just because they are shared does not mean I agree with every view found therein.

  1. Unabomber stuff Auctioned Off:Washington Post
  2. Spec Faith-Imagination for God's Glory:E. Stephen Burnette
  3. God, Chance, or eHarmony:Mike Duran
  4. Can't Keep a Secret:Gospelonetone
  5. Tim Challies and Rick Warren:Timmy Brister
  6. Why Polls Make us Dumb:First Things

Please only Post other's material and not your own...Thank You.


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