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Living In Grace

A Christ inspired work dealing with American Christian Culture in the New Century.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Word Wednesday:Fathers Provide

Genesis 3:17b-19a
Cursed is the ground because of you;
         In toil you will eat of it
         All the days of your life.
"Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
         And you will eat the plants of the field;
    By the sweat of your face
         You will eat bread,

Honestly, some days I just don't feel like pulling on my boots and heading out to work.
  Day after day and week after week the seemingly monotonous march of time and the cursed ground barely yield any fruit.  Some days it is impossible to focus on the task at hand with life swirling about me and I think to myself, " What is the point of it all? "  The whole of creation is a thorn producing matte of thistles not only because of Adam's sin but mine also and the fruit produced rarely seems to match the labor exerted.  Husbands and Dads have you ever felt this way too? Does the seemingly insurmountable task of providing for those you love loom ever before you?  A demeaning boss, a thankless job, and/or the prospect of diminishing returns are often commonplace, but there are some things we as believers need to keep in mind:

  1. Our workplace is also an invaluable ministry opportunity.  We are to do EVERYTHING we do as unto the Lord and what better place to show off the gifts of the Spirit than where we work?  Our daily contact with the same men and women can and will produce fruit for the Kingdom if we are walking with the Lord: Just don't lose heart sometime the rewards appear meager to us but are of incomparable value to our Savior.
  2. There is a false dichotomy between the sacred and the secular in our society.  We don't stop being disciples of Christ when we punch the clock on Monday morning.  Our towns, cities, and countries would not function without those whose labor is directed at non-ministerial vocations.  We need secretaries, janitors, plumbers, and delivery people to make this world go around.
  3. Maybe most importantly we are commanded in Scripture to provide for our families and to eat from our own labors ( 1 Tim 5:8, 2 Thess 3:8-12 ).  That is one of the roles we as men, and especially fathers, have as followers of Christ.  We must use the talents and abilities God has given  to support those closest to us.  We should provide as generously as God allows  for our wives, our children, our extended family, and the ministry of the Church.  God does not need your gold and silver but working for it both blesses the giver and the ones given to.
It is both a great responsibility and tremendous joy to be commanded by God to provide for our families.  I feel that I have often failed, but we must remember that ultimately God is our Provider and He will care for us.  Every good gift comes down from Him and He has promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  So labor to provide while resting in the assurance of the Lord that all is and will be taken care of.

Heavenly Father, help us to cheerfully and willingly provide for our families while here on this earth and help us to five thanks for the blessings you have already given us.  Help our labors to be fruitful and our hearts to be full of joy at all times and in all things.


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Anonymous Mindy Stapleton said...

Good Word Honey!!

May 11, 2011 at 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Luther@Living In Grace said...

Thanks Mindy. You are a pretty wife to provide for.

A Living Stone

May 11, 2011 at 2:46 PM  
Anonymous Dustin said...

Amen, this is such an important word. It is such a huge responsibility and privilege for me as my role in our family. Something I don't want to tread lightly, for sure.

Thanks for the reminder, also, that our faith does not stand still from 9-5 M-F. It is an all-day, everyday allegiance to our Father.

May 12, 2011 at 8:50 AM  
Anonymous Luther@Living In Grace said...

Thanks for stopping by Dusti n. Providing for our families is definetly a struggle at times but is also a great blessing.

God Bless and Keep the Faith

May 12, 2011 at 9:12 AM  

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