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Living In Grace

A Christ inspired work dealing with American Christian Culture in the New Century.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Word Wednesday: Fathers Love

Forever, and a Day, and the Weekend

1 John 4:7
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

Matthew 6:9
" Pray, then, in this way:'Our Father who is in heaven,Hallowed be Your name.

Men, love does not always come easy to us in our rugged, individualistic, and He-manish American Society.  Real men do not cry.  Shrug it off.  Suck it up.  Don't let your emotions show.  It is a sign of weakness.  Have we ever heard these sayings and more as boys and took them to heart as men?  How often have we erected walls around our hearts keeping those who would love us out and wrecking meaningful relationships?  Do we play the " tough guy " with our children without ever showing them love?  Do they know that it is OK to let their guard down and be real because they have seen us do it?  Do our wives know we love them not only in word but in deed?

When did we become so emotionally impoverished that we fear one of the most glorious things we have been created for; to have relationships both with God and those around us?  Love is from God and we, as believers, have Him as a Father and as an example.  If we know how to give good gifts doesn't He also? Where did we learn how to give from?  Him.  He is the foundation of all our relationships and because of Him we know how to interact with His other creations.

" How much do you love us? "Mindy and I asked.

" Forever, and a Day, and the weekend, " replied our four year old son, Jackson.
His childlike faith and love were expressed in the most meaningful way he knew how.  Love between Father and son should last forever and to make sure of that he tacked on an extra day.  When asked about the weekend he simply explained that daddy was home and we were all together as a family.  Together in a loving family relationship ordained by God.

As children of God we can look forward to the moment when we will forever be with our Father in Heaven.

Forever, and a Day, and a Weekend.

Father in Heaven, help us to know your love and to reflect that love into the lives of those you have place closest to us.  Let us be your representative here on Earth and the type of loving fathers and husbands you would have us be.

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Anonymous Mark@3-foldCord said...

Most of man's attitudes and actions concerning showing their emotions is learned behavior via their interaction and instruction from their earthy fathers. My Dad was a macho tough-guy who was almost stoic in regards to showing his emotions, therefore I attempted to recreate that which was modeled to me. Many times the older generations equated showing your emotions with weakness and vulnerability....Thus, this dysfunctional mentality was perpetuated from generation to generation.


When the Heavenly Father Jesus meets you....you are forever changed and your heart and spirit become softer and more pliable. And while we are taught to not be ruled by our emotions, we are in fact a new creation- capable of seeing others through the eyes of Jesus Christ, which totally alters our disposition and relationship to others.

"Father in Heaven, help us to know your love and to reflect that love
into the lives of those you have place closest to us.  Let us be your
representative here on Earth and the type of loving fathers and husbands
you would have us be."


May 25, 2011 at 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Luther@Living In Grace said...

When HE takes our hearts of stone and gives us a heart of flesh we are indeed new creatures with new perspectives on things.  We have went from black and white to HD in how we view things and by His grace we are more loving than we were before

May 26, 2011 at 2:00 PM  

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