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Living In Grace

A Christ inspired work dealing with American Christian Culture in the New Century.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Church time Tomorrow

Are you going to fellowship with a body of believers tomorrow?  Will we congregate and worship the Lord with thanksgiving?  When we feel that we must complain about the Church we should remember some things:

  1. The Church is the Bride of Christ and He loves Her
  2. The Church is the Body of Christ made up of believers and He will defend it
  3. The gates of Hell cannot prevail-they are rusted through and have no foundation
  4. No local church is perfect-after all you are there
  5. Be forgiving of your local Pastor-he is the leader of some smelly sheep
  6. Remember that both tares and wheat grow in the field
  7. Hypocrites are not confined to the church
I will end with this: No pastor ( or you ) lives up to what he preaches. If he does, he is preaching too low
Now go to bed and and get up ready to go and serve the Lord who has redeemed you

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Anonymous Amanda Daubenmeyer said...

At one time I was seeking to leave my church because of many things I had heard and witnessed within, particularly those in high leadership positions. As I was sitting in church one day I felt God brought my attention to the Apostle Paul, how he didn't give up on his people when they were falling into sin. The same as Christ doesn't give up on His church. At that moment I felt an overwhelming love for my church. I know I am called to be a light in my church and to serve others, not to be served.

We will never find a perfect church. We should be a light wherever God calls us. We should stay there unless we are certain He is calling us elsewhere.

We should also pray Ephesians 6:19 for our Pastor: that whenever he opens his mouth, words may be given to him
so that he will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.

We should also encourage our Pastor. We tend to be generous with our complaints, but not generous with our praises. I tell my Pastor when His sermons touch me. He has the hardest job in the world. He needs our support and encouragement.

Hope you had a blessed day at church:)

May 15, 2011 at 10:02 PM  
Anonymous Luther@Living In Grace said...

 We had a blessed day at church and thank you.

There are times that there are good reason(s) to leave a church but I feel that most of American culture just likes to church hop looking for the next best thing.  That is not how the church should operate and we as believers in our air conditioned and microwavable society have often abandoned responsibility to anything that takes a little work.

I did lea

May 15, 2011 at 10:10 PM  
Anonymous theoldadamlives said...

Good comments here.

And good reminders for those of us to be forgiving and to realize that everyone in those pews and the guy up front are also sinners.

There is a time to leave a church, but not because of trying to find more goodies or excitement.

If there comes a point when the law and gospel are not being preached in their purity, and the Sacraments are not valued. or not there at all...then it's time to go elsewhere.


May 16, 2011 at 10:51 AM  
Anonymous Luther@Living In Grace said...

Thanks for stopping by again. There is a time to stay and a time to
shake the dust from our feet

A Living Stone

May 16, 2011 at 10:53 AM  

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